Arch Support is the benevolent fund of the Royal College of Podiatry providing support to members, former members, student members of the College, and the dependents of deceased members with individually assessed one-off grants.
Arch Support is committed to providing equality of access to its services and an environment where all members of the Board of Trustees, operational staff, and applicants are respected and valued. Arch Support is a registered charity, no. 1193688.

Arch Support has a long history, stretching back to the earliest podiatry organisation established in the United Kingdom. All applications are considered on an individual basis, and dealt with as sensitively as possible. All applications are kept in the strictest confidence.

Anyone can suffer misfortune at any time, perhaps due to ill health or other hardship. Arch Support is here to assist, understand, and provide help in these exceptional circumstances together with guiding you to other organisations where you may receive advice and help.

The Board of Trustees has established principles which promote, encourage and support inclusion, equality and diversity by creating a culture based on fairness, inclusion and mutual respect for all. Working collaboratively to provide assistance and guidance to applicants.
Types of grant
Steps to apply
Individuals applying will usually have experienced a change of circumstances: unemployment or under employment, sickness (long or short term), unexpected expenditure, a shortfall between their household income and essential expenditure, or requiring an essential item or service that they need and cannot afford over a reasonable length of time.

Before applying
Apply for any of the benefits and other help that may be available to you from the government and your local authority. Review your personal finances: are there any opportunities to maximise your income, such as additional work, or renting a spare room. For debt advice, you should seek the assistance of a specialist debt adviser such as the Citizens Advice Bureau.

How to apply
Each application for assistance is assessed by means of an application form and the applicant providing a range of supporting documents as detailed in the form.

Application assessment
Once the completed application and all supporting documents have been provided, Trustees consider applications at meetings. The Board meets around four times a year. Grants are usually one-off awards. In exceptional circumstances, the Trustees may consider another application and endeavour to assist where possible.
Case studies
How we have helped
Hear from the people Arch Support has helped and the difference our support has made to their lives.
A safe place to live
M was a victim of spousal abuse and approached Arch Support for help in breaking free of the environment in which she was living. By the time she came to us, she had already been “sofa surfing” with friends. She was embarrassed at her predicament and felt she couldn’t approach her parents. She appealed to the College for help because she had no savings and no means of funding the rental of a new home.
Arch Support provided her with assistance towards a month’s rent and a deposit on a property where she could live in safety with her children.
Help with appliances
J and his son had lived through severe family breakdown and, having lived in temporary accommodation for a few years, had been given a modest property to live in by a housing trust. The flat was in good repair and decorated but had no appliances in it such as a cooker, fridge, or washing machine. J and his son managed for a while with a microwave oven and laundered clothes at a local launderette.
Arch Support helped J with the purchase and installation of a cooker, fridge-freezer, and washing machine.
Repair of a car
S lives with her family in a remote location and her car, which she needed for her domiciliary practice, needed some small repairs to make it roadworthy again.
Arch Support helped to fund the repairs so that S could continue working.
Health problems
D had been diagnosed with a serious long-term illness and was unable to work. He was in the process of sorting out his domestic and financial arrangements but this was likely to take some time.
Arch Support helped D with general living expenses for the time while his arrangements were being resolved.
A secure home
N lived in a small property which was in a poor state of repair. In particular, a door to the outside and some windows were insecure.
Arch Support provided funds towards the installation of a door and certain windows to the property. This support improved the security of the flat and also helped to make it warmer.
Returning to practise
Occasionally practitioners decide to return to practise after an absence for some serious reason.
Arch Support has paid for membership fees and in some circumstances, HCPC fees, to enable them to resume practice.
A much-needed holiday
P lives with a long-term health condition and cares for a child living with developmental issues. They had not had a holiday for many years.
Arch Support helped them with funds to have a week's holiday offering a range of activities suitable for both of them.
B has a child living with sensory difficulties. He drives his child every two weeks to a specialist boarding school where their needs can be met. He has health conditions. The journey is both expensive in fuel and also tiring.
Arch Support funded petrol costs to assist with the child's care for a time and also enable him to stay a night occasionally near the school so as to break up the long journey.
Ways to get involved

Arch Support does not receive any monies from the Royal College. It relies on income from its investments as well as donations from members, partners and branches. Every penny donated goes to the fund to help members or their families.

Leave a legacy
By remembering Arch Support in your Will and leaving us a legacy, you will be helping us to support members, former members and the dependents of deceased members. To leave a gift in your Will please consult a solicitor.

Are you holding a fundraising event in aid of Arch Support? From fundraising as an individual or as a team, Arch Support would be happy to hear from you. We can provide guidance to support your fundraising event.