Always learning

Whether in-person, blended or online, our CPD offers different formats to meet your needs and develop your skills. Many courses are heavily discounted or free for members.

Forthcoming conferences and events

Find out about our forthcoming events here.
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Starting out in business - the essential facts

4 March 2025, 7.30 - 8.30pm
If you’re thinking of setting up and running your own business you’re going to be faced with numerous responsibilities and complexities.

In this webinar you will learn about the first steps in setting up in business, including how to maintain records to stay on the right side of HMRC. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions.

This is a live online event. It will not be recorded.

Find out more here

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Sole trader v limited company - know the real facts

2 April 2025, 7.30 - 8.30pm
When you're starting out in business, deciding which business option is right for you can be highly confusing and have serious implications for your wealth.

In this webinar, David Davies of TWD Accountants explores the pros and cons of trading as a sole trader or a limited company.

This is a live online event and will feature a questions and answers session at the end. It will not be recorded.

Find out more here

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Foot in diabetes module

Starting 1 May 2025
This 10 week blended learning module starting on 1 May and delivered virtually, concludes with an in-person teaching day in Salford on 24 July.

It is open to podiatrists and other registered healthcare professionals, with discounted rates available for members of the College.

Find out more here

HMRC self employed webinar

HMRC and self-employed associates - what you need to know

7 May 2025, 7.30 - 8.30pm
Join the experts from TWD Accountants as we discuss how to ensure that you are compliant with HMRC rules around self-employment.

This is a live online event. It will not be recorded.

Find out more here

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Virtual record keeping course

7 May 2025, 9.30am - 2.45pm
Join us online for a live interactive course looking at the Royal College of Podiatry's Record keeping and consent standards.

The course is suitable for podiatrists, podiatry students, assistant practitioners, practice managers and administrators. Non members are welcome to attend.

The course is likely to be over-subscribed so please book early to avoid disappointment.

Find out more here

Scottish Conference 2025

Scottish Annual Conference 2025

23-24 May 2025
The Scottish Annual Conference will this year be held in Glasgow, with a fresh format spanning two days.  

On the first day, the focus will be on footwear, and on the second, podiatric practice.

Find out more here

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Children's Podiatry Specialist Advisory Group Annual Conference 2025

27 June 2025, 9.00am - 4.30pm
The Childen’s Podiatry Specialist Advisory Group will be holding its annual conference on Friday 27 June 2025 at Future Inn Cardiff Bay, Hemingway Road, Cardiff CF10 4AU. 

This in-person event will be an opportunity to learn from experts in the field and stay up-to-date on the latest developments in children's podiatry.

Find out more here

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Foot in diabetes module

Starting 8 September 2025
This 10 week blended learning module starting on 8 September and delivered virtually, concludes with an in-person teaching day in London on 4 December 2025.

It is open to podiatrists and other registered healthcare professionals, with discounted rates available for members of the College.

Find out more here

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Virtual record keeping course

23 September 2025, 9.30am - 2.45pm
Join us online for a live interactive course looking at the Royal College of Podiatry's Record keeping and consent standards.

The course is suitable for podiatrists, podiatry students, assistant practitioners, practice managers and administrators. Non members are welcome to attend.

The course is likely to be over-subscribed so please book early to avoid disappointment.

Find out more here

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Annual Conference and Exhibition 2025 

20-22 November 2025 - Save the date!
The Royal College of Podiatry's 2025 Annual Conference and Exhibition will be held in Glasgow from 20-22 November at the SEC.

The Podiatrist

Our award-winning magazine is published every two months. It provides a wide range of articles on different aspects of podiatry to help keep you up-to-date and informed.

Your ways to learn

From the Royal College of Podiatry’s CPD courses to the 24 CPD hours available by attending the Annual Conference. From member-only webinars to a dedicated Learning Management System and access to a CPD diary. There’s never been more ways to learn and develop your skills.


The Teaching And Learning Update System (TALUS) is our online platform providing members with CPD anytime, anywhere. Find a range of free courses here or access your paid RCPod online learning content.

Login to go to TALUS

Conferences and events

We have designed our conferences to ensure that they meet the professional development needs of every member, whether they work privately, in the NHS, in research and academia, or a combination.

View forthcoming events

Paid courses offered by RCPod

Bringing together leaders in their fields, our courses offer face-to-face, blended and online options across a variety of topics as both short courses and extended scope options.

Login to see paid courses

RCPod approved courses

Find a course that has been granted Approved status by the Royal College of Podiatry.

Login to see approved courses

e-Learning for health

RCPod members can access the e-learning for health platform for free. Featuring a range of essential courses for healthcare workers.

Login to find out more

Branch events

Find out what’s happening in a branch near you with a range of branch meetings and courses happening across the UK and online.

View branch events

Post-graduate learning routes

Learning doesn’t need to stop at graduation. Find out more about the range of post-graduate qualifications available to continue your academic journey.

Login to find out more

JFAR - Journal of Foot and Ankle Research

Members benefit from free access to high quality, high impact factor journal produced by the Royal College of Podiatry in partnership with the Australian Podiatry Association. It contains full research papers and summary collections of evidence.

Developing your skills

Podiatric surgery

Members can participate locally, visiting their podiatric surgery department and discuss complex cases with the consultant-led team. Each year there’s a national training day, plus a Faculty of Podiatric Surgery conference.

Learn more about the latest conference

Enhanced scope of practice

Members can enhance their scope of practice in areas such as ultrasound, acupuncture and injection therapy.

Login to find out more about enhanced scope of practice

Progressing your membership status

We want your patients to know the value of your membership of the Royal College of Podiatry and just what that means for the quality of their care.

Our range of schemes is designed to show that anything with the College's endorsement achieves the highest possible standards. From our registered member programme, to accrediting your practice. And it doesn't stop there, because the College professionally approves products and services too. For your peace of mind, and your patients' too.

Registered member

Being a member of the Royal College of Podiatry (RCPod) links you with a long tradition of excellence, a drive for innovation and high professional standards. Resources are available for clinic signage and more.

Join the Royal College of Podiatry


Members have access to our Fellowship programmes to advanced practice. Becoming a Fellow of the Royal College of Podiatry in Podiatric Medicine (FCPodM) or a Fellow of the College of Podiatry in Podiatric Surgery (FCPodS).

Find out more about Fellowship

Accredited Practice Scheme

The Accredited Practice Scheme is to help ensure best practice, achieve a high standard of care to patients and to ensure the correct protocols and procedures are followed to practice safely and effectively within the profession.

Login to find out more about practice accreditation

Future steps in your career

You might have just qualified or have been practising for 30 years. Whatever stage of your career you are at, we want you to go further and will support you all the way. The College offers you bespoke services to help your professional development, including mentoring, advice on returning to practice and an assistant practice programme.


Our online mentoring platform creates a space to share knowledge, skills, tools and guidance to support you, whether you want to be a mentor, a mentee, or both. Mentoring aims to help members with their professional development.

Become a mentor

Starting your own practice

Members thinking of starting their own practice have access to our private practice handbook. This provides information on the aspects you will need to do and have in place. Our Professional Support Officers are also on hand to offer advice and support.

Login to go to the private practice resources area

Assistant practice

We have developed a successful assistant practice programme which is run by the College and underpins the development of your support workforce.

Find out more about the assistant practitioner training programme

Return to practice

Whether you have chosen to take time out from your career to raise children, travel, study or care for relatives, you may now be deciding to return to practice. Please get in touch with the Royal College of Podiatry and we will advise on the process.

Visit our return to practice page

Clinical standards

All registered podiatrists must maintain the appropriate level of clinical practice to ensure patient safety. We provide detailed guidance on all 14 standards, and these are reviewed regularly to ensure they are always up-to-date and reflect any change in legislation. The College also has Professional Support Officers on hand who can provide you with advice or assistance in these areas.