Rejoin the Royal College of Podiatry
We know that many members are attracted to us for our comprehensive insurance coverage and trade union support. But that isn’t all that we do.
In the past few years our organisation has undergone a transformative process to ensure our members are supported by the modern, fit-for-purpose membership organisation they deserve.

Our insurance policy has expanded to £15 million of coverage including malpractice/professional indemnity, public liability, legal defence costs, product liability, and libel and slander. Our captive policy ensures that, in the event of a claim, it is expert podiatrists assisting the legal team, and not doctors and nurses as is the case with some other providers.
Find out more about our bespoke insurance policy

We continue to lobby for your needs. We promote podiatry by working with governments, policymakers and charities to increase access to services. We work with the media to highlight the profession and the ways that podiatrists keep people healthy, active and pain-free. We do this on behalf of every podiatrist in the UK, regardless of whether they are a member. By rejoining the College you can help strengthen this work.
Find out more in our Policy area

Trade Union
As a trade union we fight for the rights of our members. We play a full part in your NHS pay negotiations whatever UK nation you work in. We support you with your workplace needs, whether you are employed or self-employed. Some of the things we offer include access to representatives in your workplace, and trade union support when you need it, including dispute resolution and workplace advice. We also support you with personal injury claims through our dedicated legal services.
Find out more

Setting professional and clinical standards
We set the professional and clinical standards for the profession, including our 14 clinical standards that our members must adhere to. Our wide-ranging best practice documents cover all areas of professional practice and are regularly reviewed and updated. Re-join the College to feel secure and reassured in your practice.
Find out more

Support in fitness to practice cases
If you are notified of a fitness to practice case against you, we have highly-experienced staff ready to support you. Whether you work in the NHS or the private sector, membership of the College provides legal coverage for HCPC proceedings, whatever the outcome. We have successfully supported hundreds of members through the HCPC fitness to practice process, with a high success rate of a 'no case to answer' outcome.
Find out more about our support

Dedicated legal services
We offer a range of legal services to our members, including support for work-related personal injury claims and any legal employment issues you may have. We also offer a package of services for you, your spouse and your family including conveyancing, probate and will-writing services.
Find out more about our legal services

From in depth courses to bite-sized CPD, we have a range of courses to suit everyone. Access online short courses whenever it suits you on our TALUS system, or book on one of our specialist courses and take advantage of member rates.
Find out more

The Podiatrist
Our multi award-winning professional magazine launched in 2021 and is published every two months. Read interviews with leading and innovative members of the healthcare workforce to inspire and educate your practice, as well as in-depth articles on the trending topics in podiatry.
Read The Podiatrist online

Our open access official journal, the Journal of Foot and Ankle Research (JFAR), brings together the latest in research in the field of lower limb health and recently recorded an impact factor of three. Members can apply to have their submission fee waived for publication.
Read JFAR online

Local branches listen to and represent your interests within the College and are a great source of support and learning in your local area, offering valuable CPD and networking opportunities. The local branch network continues to grow and expand, with over 40 branches across the UK.Find out more

Special Advisory Groups
Our Special Advisory Groups (SAGs) have continued to thrive, bringing together members with similar clinical interests to connect and discuss ideas and solutions. New members are welcome and new groups continue to form. Recent additions include SAGs dedicated to vascular podiatry, and learning difficulties and mental health.
Find out more

We worked closely with the governments and public health agencies throughout the pandemic to ensure our members had access to the latest information to allow them to practice safely, with guidance often launched within hours of government announcements. The College intervened at the highest level to ensure frontline healthcare worker vaccine access was given to all podiatrists, regardless of their sector.
Visit our Covid-19 hub
Interested in rejoining?
Contact us
*Standard contact hours. These hours are subject to change due to bank holidays and festive periods