Our Specialist Advisory Groups (SAGs) are member-led groups that bring together practitioners with similar clinical interests to connect and discuss ideas and solutions. New members are welcome and new groups continue to form.

Recent additions include SAGs dedicated to Vascular podiatry, and Learning difficulties and mental health.

Children's podiatry

Founded: 1999
The Children’s Podiatry Special Advisory Group (CPSAG) is the national advisory group to the Royal College of Podiatry in the Podiatric Management of Children and Adolescents in the UK undertaken by registered health professionals and students participating in the study of Health Sciences at undergraduate or postgraduate level
Chair: Simon Jones
Vice Chair: James Welch
Group Secretary: Jill Phethean

Complimentary and integrated medicine (CAIM) 

Founded: 2006
Member interest in CAIM and its practical use in podiatric medicine; helping to facilitate evidence-based practice and courses for members
Chair: Tariq Khan
Vice Chair: Mansoor Butt

Dermatology in podiatry

Founded: 2003
Specialism for dermatology of the lower limb; affiliated with the Primary Care Dermatology Society
Ivan Bristow and Sarah Bradshaw

Forensic podiatry

Founded: 2011
Advise the College in forensic podiatry related issues
Chair: Sarah Reel, acting chair

Learning disabilities/mental health and neurodiversity

Founded: 2022
Support and develop practice within learning disabilities, mental health and neurodiversity field
Chair: Karen Mellon
Vice Chair: Roisin Connell


Founded: 2011
Musculoskeletal disorders and treatment
Chair: Richard Wilkins
Vice Chair: Dao Tunprasert

Podiatric rheumatology care association (PRCA)

Founded: 1997
To provide a network and facilitate support between podiatrists working in the field of rheumatology
Chair: Robert Field

Podiatric sports medicine (PSM)

Founded: 2014
Main aim is to form a speciality in podiatric sports medicine with examinations leading to award of Certificate of Completion of PSM Specialty Training. This will set the standards of clinical practice in the UK and Ireland. SAG will fullfill that role in the interim.
Chair: Nat Padhiar
Vice Chair: Sean Savage
Find out more about the PSM SAG

Ultrasound in podiatry

Founded: 2015
Useage of ultrasound in podiatry
Chair: Heidi Siddle
Vice Chair: Jai Saxelby, Lisa Newcombe


Founded: 2021
Vascular disorders and treatment
Chair: Emily Haworth
Vice Chair: Patrick McGill