Our governance
The Royal College of Podiatry is comprised of three business entities:
- The Royal College of Podiatry
- The College of Podiatry Trust, which is an educational charity
- and Arch Support, which is the College's hardship fund offering help to members in need.
Governance is the framework of rules and practices in which the three business entities operate, ensuring accountability, fairness and transparency in their relationships with all their stakeholders.
The governance framework provides a structure for the smooth running of the company and is comprised of:
- Council, the Royal College's Board of Directors: view Council members here
- Committees
- The Leadership Team
As a member-led organisation, the College's governance ensures that all the Board and committees are run in the members' best interests and are accountable for their actions.
The Royal College of Podiatry is governed by its Articles of Association and By-Laws, which are available in the membership area.
Arch Support is a registered charity governed by a Constitution.
The College of Podiatry Trust is an incorporated charity and is governed by its Articles.