Become part of a community
Connecting nearly 10,000 members as the largest community of podiatrists in the UK. This includes networking and events through your local branch, mentoring, peer to peer support and advice.
How you can join our community

Branches listen to and represent your interests within the College. With a great source of support and learning in your local area. A network to other members and a place where you can share ideas, support and encouragement.
Support your branch

The Council is the Royal College of Podiatry's Board of Directors and its strategic body. Members are elected by the Voting Members of the College. Council meets several times a year.

Become a workplace representative
With your help we can continue to make the Royal College of Podiatry more effective as a trade union and more responsive to the members it represents. Members need advice, support and information on their working conditions and workplace reps act as an important link between the member and the union.
Login and apply to become a workplace representative

Specialist Advisory Groups
If you work in a specific area of expertise within the profession, then you can join one of our specialist advisory groups (SAGs). These are groups of like-minded clinicians working in the same field working to advise the College and its members. These groups also host their own events.
Find out more about SAGs

Members' Forum
The Members’ Forum takes place every two years; designed to give our members an opportunity to feedback directly to the College. Raising issues and talking about the things that matter most to them about the profession and the organisation. It is member-led and allows all of our different groups of members to engage in a variety of ways.
Login to find out more about the Members’ Forum.
Our members make a difference
Dedicating time to making a difference, our members support a number of charities and events and provide care in their community and worldwide. Volunteering their skills and time to improve to the lives of others. View some of our members' experiences.

Conference speaker
Our annual conference is the largest professional podiatry event in Europe and each year we aim to secure the very best speakers in the field and related disciplines.
We are constantly on the look-out for engaging speakers to present at plenary sessions, lead smaller concurrent sessions, and demonstrate and teach practical skills in our hands-on workshops.

Guest blogger
Our website features regular blogs written by our members, partners, stakeholders and friends of the profession on a wide range of subjects from awareness days to campaigns and volunteer experiences.
If there are topics that you would like to write about that would be of interest to our audiences, we would love to hear from you. Email

Our bi-monthly membership magazine, The Podiatrist, contains a mixture of original features, interviews, case studies and news stories. It promotes the highest professional values and is a hugely important resource for members' self-development.
If you would be interested in contributing to The Podiatrist, we would love to hear from you.
How to help others in your community

Our online mentoring platform creates a space to share knowledge, skills, tools and guidance to support you, whether you want to be a mentor, a mentee, or both. Mentoring aims to help members with their professional development.

As a member you have access to a wide range of volunteering opportunities. Being a volunteer can be a hugely rewarding thing to do. Members can be involved in their local branch, provide career talks or provide podiatry support.

Raising awareness
There are many opportunities to raise awareness for worthy causes with the College. These include getting involved with foot health charities, promoting the profession to the public, supporting our public-facing campaigns, and promoting the work of our healthcare colleagues.
Find out more
Free member listing on Find a Podiatrist
Members working in private practice can have a free practice listing on the College website and NHS website (previously NHS Choices). This allows potential patients to find their nearest podiatrist from a list of our members.