As a member of The Royal College of Podiatry (RCPod), you agree to observe and abide by the terms and conditions of membership outlined here, the Articles of Association, the By-Laws and RCPod’s Clinical and Professional Standards currently in force and any amendment which may be made in the future.



1.1 An application for membership or for transfer from one category of membership to another shall be determined by Council which may in its absolute discretion decline to accept an applicant as a Member
1.2 It is your responsibility to ensure that you are in the correct category of membership and that you fully meet the eligibility requirements for membership of that category. Benefits, services and rights of membership may be withheld or withdrawn if you are found to be in a category of membership for which you are not eligible.
1.3 Changes to category membership are applied from the date notified going forward and cannot be applied retrospectively.
1.4 Your membership of the RCPod is dependent on:

- You meeting the eligibility criteria for the relevant category of membership
-  Upon payment on request of the subscription fee or appropriate monthly instalments thereof.
1.5 Membership and its associated benefits are non-transferable and available only to you.
1.6 It is your responsibility to ensure that the RCPod has the correct and current personal, contact, employment, payment and other details about you, including your contact preferences. It is your responsibility to inform the RCPod of any changes to these details as and when they occur
1.7 The RCPod will not be responsible for any issue caused by any failure or omission on your part to keep your personal, employment and other details up to date.


Membership fees and payments

2.1 It is your responsibility to ensure that the correct payment has been made to the RCPod on or before the due payment date.
2.2 Current membership subscription rates can be found here.
2.3 Where you set up an annual, quarterly or monthly Direct Debit Instruction for membership, payment will normally be taken from your account on the first working day of the month due or shortly thereafter.
2.4 In the event that your payment is not received and you fall into arrears with your membership subscription you will be sent a reminder that payment due has not been received and that you are therefore recorded as being in arrears with your membership subscription.
2.5 During any period of membership subscription arrears there shall be no automatic entitlement to any services, rights or benefits that would normally be available to you. However, support and/or representation remains available if you were in the paid up membership at the time of the incident for which you are seeking support.
2.6 Where non-payment of membership fees continues, your membership will be cancelled and all rights, services and benefits of membership will cease from the date of cancellation.
2.7 Where membership is cancelled for non-payment of membership subscription fees as described above, it will not be possible to make back-payment to cover the arrears, and you will have to re-join in a new period of membership. This will count as a break in membership and will affect both the benefits and services of membership.
2.8 Where you provide a valid email address you will receive an email confirmation of your membership once your application form has been processed.
2.9 Membership renewal takes places on 1 January each year.


Indemnity Insurance

3.1 It is your responsibility to complete the annual indemnity insurance declaration to confirm that all claims, circumstances or incidents have been notified to the Royal College of Podiatry for the duration of your membership as of today.
3.2 It is your responsibility to ensure that all claims, circumstances or incidents will be notified to the Royal College of Podiatry upon receipt of claimant and/or a third party acting on behalf of the claimant (such as a letter from a solicitor).
3.3 It is your responsibility to understand that the Royal College of Podiatry has a duty under The Insurance Act 2015 to make a fair presentation of the risks proposed and note the above statements form part of the annual disclosure.
3.4 Failure to notify the College of such claim, circumstance or incident could result in a denial of insurance cover.
3.5 I understand that as part of my membership acceptance that I will abide by the Royal College of Podiatry 14 Clinical Standards. Failure to do so may invalidate my insurance.