How to become a podiatric surgeon

How do you train to become a podiatric surgeon?

Qualified podiatrists undertake postgraduate training, starting with an MSc in the Theory of Podiatric Surgery. Successful candidates then apply for a podiatric surgical training post in the NHS. At the same time, they enrol on a three-year Master of Podiatric Surgery (MOPS) programme. During this time, training is delivered via long-term clinical placements and in the classroom.

On successfully completing the MOPS programme, the successful candidate gains an extra annotation on the HCPC register and is awarded a Fellowship of the Royal College of Podiatry (FRCPodS).

At this stage, candidates can apply for a post as a Specialty Registrar in Podiatric Surgery. These posts typically last three years. During this time, a period of advanced training happens under the guidance and supervision of a Consultant Podiatric Surgeon. During this period, the candidate works towards their Certificate of Completion of Podiatric Surgery Training (CCPST). This certificate is governed by the RCPod and overseen by its Academic and Clinical Governance Committee.

Achieving the CCPST marks the end point of a Podiatric Surgeon’s formal training. The qualified Podiatric Surgeon can now apply for consultant-grade posts within the NHS.

Where do Podiatric Surgeons work?

Podiatric surgery is only offered in sites that meet Care Quality Commission (CQC) standards. For this reason, Podiatric Surgeons can only work in an:

  • Acute or Community NHS Trust, or
  • Within a private hospital setting.

How are trainee Podiatric Surgeons supervised?

Podiatric surgery training takes place within an NHS environment. Training includes rotations through various departments and multidisciplinary teams. This includes departments like rheumatology, neurology, pain management, orthopaedics, diabetes and radiology and vascular.

Throughout podiatric surgery training, those studying are directly supervised by a Consultant Podiatric Surgeon. They train under rigorous training and education standards set by the HCPC, and in combination with their university.

What qualifications do newly-qualifed Podiatric Surgeons receive?

A trainee podiatric surgeon will work under clinical supervision until they have achieved the Certificate of Completion of Podiatric Surgery Training (CCPST), which is issued by the Royal College of Podiatry.