Podiatry 2023: Call for abstracts

The Annual Conference and Exhibition is an excellent opportunity for you to showcase your research in an oral or poster presentation. The deadline for submission has been extended to 6 July 2023.

Submit your abstract

Call for abstracts

The Research and Development Committee is inviting oral and poster presentations. This is a great opportunity to showcase new research and innovations, stimulate debate and present the latest case studies.

Why submit an abstract?

Whatever your status or level of experience, you should think about submitting an abstract at this year's Annual Conference.

It's an opportunity to reflect on your work and your current practice in an informal environment, without the rigour and challenge of producing a full academic paper.

The Meet the author, and Poster tours, are the perfect opportunity to meet face-to-face with other practitioners, develop professional links and tap into support networks.

Discuss and evolve
The feedback you receive from your peers might challenge your thinking and suggest alternative ways of working, allowing ideas to be shared and discussed in a safe environment.

Conference is a great opportunity to secure further CPD

Submitting an abstract, demonstrates your commitment to learning and development. The preparation you do beforehand and the learning outcomes you receive, contribute to the ongoing improvement in the quality of your practice.

Submitting an abstract is easy

We have a new dedicated platform this year. Register and submit your work here. The deadline for submission of abstracts has been extended to 6 July.

Please note the word count for this year's abstracts which is as follows:

  • Title: 30 words
  • Author(s): 15 words
  • Provenance: 35 words
  • Background and aims: 150 words
  • Method: 75 words
  • Results: 75 words
  • Discussion: 75 words
  • Clincial significance statement (optional): 50 words

Meet the author

Posters will be on display in the Exhibition Hall for the duration of the Conference, with meet the author sessions and poster tours for delegates.

Don't forget that the compilation and submission of an abstract can count as a CPD activity by the HCPC.

The deadline for submissions in 6 July 2023.

Jewel in the crown presentation, and Best poster award

The top-scoring oral submission will be presented on the main stage as the Jewel in the crown presentation.

An award will be given for the Best poster submission.

The deadline for submissions in 6 July 2023.

Abstract guidelines

Abstract guidelines

  • Please adhere to the word count for each section on the abstract form - details above
  • No references or list of references should be presented in the abstract
  • No tables, figures, or other images should be included in the abstract
  • Authors are advised to follow a structured format such as the IMRaD method: Introduction; Method; Results; Discussion
Abstracts must be submitted on the dedicated platform, rcpod.awardsplatform.com, by 6 July 2023.