
RCPod's response to Health Education and Improvement Wales' draft education and training programme 2024-25

The Royal College of Podiatry (RCPod) acknowledges the engagement work that Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) has undertaken to inform this plan, and welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback.

However, RCPod cannot support the proposal made in the plan to maintain the number of podiatry places commissioned at 27 places, and would urge HEIW to reconsider this.

RCPod strongly urges HEIW to arrange a meeting with the College so we can explain our concerns in further detail and to ensure that the podiatry workforce is future-proofed, enabling podiatry to play its full part in helping people to stay healthy, mobile and active, thereby achieving the strategic vision set out in A Healthier Wales.

Download RCPod's response here