RCPod's response to the DHSC consultation: Leading the NHS: proposals to regulate NHS managers
The Royal College of Podiatry has responded to the Department of Health and Social Care's consultation: Leading the NHS: proposals to regulate NHS managers
The consultation sought partners’ views on the type of regulation that may be most appropriate for leaders and managers, such as:
- which managers should be in scope for a future regulatory system
- what kind of body should exercise such a regulatory function
- consideration of the types of standards that managers should be required to demonstrate as part of a future system of regulation.
The consultation also sought views on matters relating to candour, including first on the possibility of delivering a professional duty of candour for NHS managers and leaders. It also sought views on making managers accountable for responding to concerns about the provision of healthcare patient safety.
The consultation ran from 26 Novmeber 2024 to 18 February 2025.