Reasons to become an International Associate

Joining the Royal College of Podiatry offers international podiatrists the opportunity to enhance their professional development, connect with peers, gain professional recognition, access valuable resources, contribute to the profession, and explore career opportunities. Find out more below:


Professional development

The Royal College of Podiatry (RCPod) offers a wide range of resources, workshops, conferences, and continuing education opportunities. By joining RCPod, international podiatrists can access these resources and stay up-to-date with the latest developments in podiatry practice, research, and techniques. This can enhance your professional knowledge and skills, leading to improved patient care.



Joining the Royal College of Podiatry provides a platform to connect with other podiatrists from around the world. These networking opportunities allow international podiatrists to build professional relationships, exchange ideas, collaborate on research projects, and learn from the experiences of their peers. Networking can also open doors to potential job opportunities or partnerships in different countries.


Professional recognition

Being a member of a reputable professional organisation like the Royal College of Podiatry adds credibility and recognition to an international podiatrist's credentials. It demonstrates a commitment to maintaining high standards of practice and staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in the field. This recognition can be valuable when seeking employment or establishing professional credibility in a new country.


Access to resources

The Royal College of Podiatry provides access to a wide range of resources, including research articles, clinical guidelines, patient education materials, and professional and ethical guidance. International podiatrists can benefit from these resources, which can support evidence-based practice, enhance clinical decision-making, and provide guidance on professional and ethical issues.


Advocacy and support

The Royal College of Podiatry represents the interests of podiatrists and promotes the podiatry profession at a national and international level. By joining, international podiatrists can contribute to the collective voice of the profession and support efforts to improve podiatric healthcare globally.


Career opportunities

The Royal College of Podiatry provides access to job boards and career services that can assist international podiatrists in finding employment opportunities in different countries. We also offer advice and support related to professional development and career advancement through our mentoring programme and guidance on specialisation options through our Specialist Advisory Groups.

Become an International Associate today

To join the Royal College of Podiatry as an international associate, simply go to the join button and fill in our online membership form

Benefits for International Associates

International associates can access a range of benefits, from CPD, access to our professional membership magazine and our Fellowship programme. 

Access to TALUS

TALUS is our Learning Management System (LMS). It offers a range of online courses, blended learning, past events and other CPD. It includes popular courses like the Foot in Diabetes Module and the Peripheral Arterial Disease (Vascular) Module.

Digital copy of The Podiatrist

International associates will receive a digital copy of The Podiatrist, the College's bi-monthly magazine. It contains feature articles, interviews, case studies and news of the work of the College. It is the best place to find the latest information about the profession.

Post-nominals for Associates

Joining the Royal College of Podiatry as an international associate entitles you to use the post-nominals RCPod (Assoc). These should be placed after your academic qualifications.  


Associate certificate

Every international associate will get a certificate to mark their new status as a member of the Royal College of Podiatry.


Access to Fellowship

International associate members have access to our Fellowship programmes leading to advanced practice in both podiatric medicine and podiatric surgery.

Working in the UK

Are you interested in practising in the UK in the future? Do you want to find out more about what a career in podiatry in the UK looks like?

 Read some of our resources for international podiatrists.

Contact us

Need to talk to us about membership? Telephone 020 7234 8644 to talk with our Membership team.
Office hours are Monday to Friday, 9.00am - 5.00pm*
*Standard contact hours. These hours are subject to change due to bank holidays and festive periods
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