Post-nominal letters

On 26 June 2021, following confirmation of Royal status received from the Cabinet Office in March, members voted at the AGM that we change our name to the Royal College of Podiatry.

With the Royal status comes new post-nominal letters for our members to use after their name. Not every organisation has post-nominals letters to show membership. For example, membership of the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), the regulatory body for podiatrists, does not provide post-nominals. The College has the privilege of offering its members the use of these letters to denote membership or fellowship of the organisation.

As of 26 June 2021, the post-nominals will be:

  • MRCPod (Member of the Royal College of Podiatry)
  • FRCPodM (Fellow of the Royal College of Podiatry in Podiatric Medicine)
  • FRCPodS (Fellow of the Royal College of Podiatry in Podiatric Surgery)

These replace the previous post-nominal letters of MCPod, FCPodM and FCPodS.

Find out more about post-nominals in our blog The Royal College of Podiatry post-nominals