PHE updates infection control advice

Public Health England has updated its infection control advice concerning PPE for all areas of the UK including devolved Countries.
Public Health England (PHE) has updated its infection control advice in relation to PPE for all areas of the UK including the devolved countries.
This is relevant to all members including those in private practice. Healthcare professionals, including podiatrists, must now triage their patients into low, medium and high-risk categories and, depending on which category they fall into, wear the appropriate PPE.
A useful questionnaire, which we suggest members use, is available at the end of the PHE guidance, but it must be used in conjunction with the risk categories in the main body of the text.
The College of Podiatry would suggest most patients in community settings will be a medium risk due to them not having a COVID-19 test result within 72hrs. Therefore, you must wear gloves, an apron, facemask and risk assess for eye protection.
Read the full details here
PHE PPE Triage Document Summary
Members working in the NHS should also check local policies for specific guidance in your Trust/Board.