Podiatry 2023: Speakers A - E
We have a wide range of speakers for this year's conference drawn from within the profession as well as other healthcare professions.

Lawrence Ambrose
Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Royal College of Podiatry
Lawrence Ambrose
Since Lawrence joined the College in 2014, the Policy and Public Affairs Team has operated effectively across all four UK countries. The team works apolitically with governments, oppositions and parliamentarians, as well as with arm's length bodies of government to ensure the the UK populaton has the services required to prevent, detect and manage health complications. Lawrence also continues to work clinically.

Claire Angus
Director of Membership Services, Royal College of Podiatry
Claire Angus
An experienced senior membership professional, Claire has worked in the Professional Membership Body sector for over 20 years. Claire was previously Assistant Director of Development at the Royal College of GPs (RCGP) where she was responsible for leading, developing and implementing the College's membership, international and fundraising strategies. As well as increasing membership recruitment and retention, she also developed and launched a new membership experience strategy to modernise and personalise the way the organisation communicated and engaged with its members.
Before taking up that role, Claire spent 14 years at the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) supporting its 125,000 members worldwide. Her AAT roles included Assistant Director of Global Development, leading new market development with a key focus on the Middle East, and Assistant Director of Education and Training, leading qualification development and student engagement.
Claire holds an MSc in Psychology, CIMA's Advanced Diploma in Management Accounting and an MBA in Leadership Practice.

Nadia Asgeirsdottir
Forensic gait analyst, FGA Services
Nadia Asgeirsdottir
Nadia is an Associate Member of the Chartered Society of Forensic Science, holds the Society’s certificates of professional competence in both Forensic Gait Analysis and Barefoot/Foot in Shoe Analysis, and is included on the National Crime Agency Major Crime Investigative Support Experts Advisers Database.

Anita Atwal
Associate Professor in Interprofessional Working, London Southbank University
Anita Atwal
Her 86 publications can be found here.
Anita delivered the Casson Memorial Lecture and is a committed amd passionate member of the professional body to support research being a member of the editorial board, research and development board, as well as promoting AHP research through the National Institute for Health research podcasts. She is also the elected council member for research (Royal College of Occupational Therapists).
Anita is currently on secondment with the Welsh government to write the AHP research strategy. Anita leads on national projects to influence fairness within the Allied Health Professions. Her current research highlights the need for Allied Health professionals to be credible, relevant and more importantly reflect local populations. Her most recent grant is to explore the credible and relevance of occupational therapy to the Somali community.

Neil Baker
Consultant Diabetes and Vascular Podiatrist, Sana Diabetic Foot and Vascular Clinic
Neil Baker
He has taught and trained in all aspects of diabetic foot management worldwide. He has over 50 peer reviewed publications and is research active.
He was a co-founder of D-Foot International and the Train the Foot Trainer programme run in all seven world regions.
He has worked with the WHO and the International Red Cross. He was awarded an OBE in 2017 for outstanding contributions to the diabetic foot.

Emily Ball
Leadership coach, speaker, author, business mentor and founder of Active Step Healthcare Ltd
Emily Ball
Emily is a leadership coach, speaker, author, business mentor and founder of Active Step Healthcare Ltd.
Since starting her private podiatry practice in 2011 Emily has been a finalist in the Great British Entrepreneur Awards and has used her extensive experience and successful approach to support other practice owners around the world with business coaching, mentoring and leadership development.
Her coaching tends to focus on building practice resilience, developing multifaceted leadership capability and organisational culture.
She is known for her innate ability to help her clients gain clarity and certainty, thus building confidence in their own ability to achieve their personal and practice goals.

Selina Begum
Specialist registrar in podiatric surgery
Selina Begum
Selina currently works as a Specialist Registrar to Mr Ewan Kannegieter in Essex where she achieved her Certificate of Completion of Podiatric Surgery Training (CCPST) in 2023. She participates in several research projects and continues to acquire additional skills in limb salvage and minimal invasive surgery.

Marian Bennett
NHS Apprentice Line Manager and Clinical Educator
Marian Bennett

Jodie Binning
Podiatry Service Manager South Partnership, NHS Ayrshire and Arran
Jodie Binning
Jodie completed her PhD two years ago with Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) on the use of motivational interviewing to improve adherence behaviours for the prevention of diabetic foot ulceration. Jodi is involved in further funded research on this topic for people experiencing deprivation. This commences in March 2024 across four Health Boards in NHS Scotland.
Previously a podiatry lecturer on the south coast Jodi completed her MSc in Podiatry and Education and in her role has a continued interest in prevention, patient-centred care, clinical supervision and research in practice.
Jodi currently leads a team of fabulous clinicians who keep her motivated and focused.

Professor Ivan Birch
Forensic Gait Analyst, FGA Services
Professor Ivan Birch
Ivan graduated in 1978 with a BSc Joint Honours in Science from the University of Salford, gained an MSc in Human Biology from the University of Loughborough in 1980, and was awarded a PhD in Biomechanics by the University of Brighton in 2007.
He has extensive experience of teaching biomechanics, anatomy, physiology and research methods, and is a Member of the Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences and an Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Podiatry. In 2015 he was awarded the status of Chartered Scientist by the Science Council for his work in gait analysis as evidence.
Ivan is included on the National Crime Agency Specialist Operations Centre Expert Witness Advisers Database in the UK, and has more than 40 years’ experience of gait analysis

Sarah Bradshaw
Dermatology Specialist Podiatrist
Sarah Bradshaw
Sarah is also a member of the RCPod Dermatology in Podiatry Specialist Advisory Group.

Dr Helen Branthwaite
MSK Project Lead, Royal College of Podiatry
Dr Helen Branthwaite
She has developed the Royal College of Podiatry MSK CPD modules to enhance practice as well as the MSK toolkit designed to showcase MSK practice in podiatry. At the centre of this work is developing an understanding of MSK patient demographics, incidence of injury service provision and interventions. Data is critical for professional development and there is a strong need for us to utilise it to improve practice.

Ivan Bristow
Fellow, Royal College of Podiatry. Podiatist, Hampshire
Ivan Bristow
He had co-authored books, published over 100 papers and runs a successful podiatric dermatology blog (www.foot.expert).
His current work includes private practice and visiting appointments at universities in the UK and Australia.

Dr Benjamin Bullen
Head of Education and Professional Development, Royal College of Podiatry
Dr Benjamin Bullen
Ben has a clinical and academic background in diabetes foot disease and has recently completed a professional doctorate in person-centred practice.

Joanne Casey
Professional Development Lead and HEE Workforce and Education Reform Lead, Royal College of Podiatry
Joanne Casey
Having graduated from the University of Southampton Joanne has developed her portfolio career working across the four pillars of advanced clinical practice. Having had 20 years within the NHS specialising within the foot in diabetes, latterly working within the Mike Edmonds Foot Unit in London, Joanne is currently working as Professional Development Lead at the Royal College of Podiatry (RCPod); Senior Research Assistant for the OFFLOAD project at the University of Southampton; and holds a clinical and management post within private practice. Joanne is also co-chair of the Legs Matter coalition where she enjoys working alongside a multi-professional team to support foot and lower limb health and reduce the impact of unnecessary harm.
In her role as Professional Development Lead at RCPod Joanne co-designed the Podiatry Leadership programme and initiated its Alumnus. In its fourth year the leadership programme has developed into a high calibre programme which now presents at the RCPod Annual Conference. The leadership programme development hopes to have a wide reach with its professional collaborations and networks, supporting the Alumni on their leadership journey, which is something that Joanne believes important to grow the podiatry profession within the health and care sectors.

Dr Lindsey Cherry
Associate Professor, University of Southampton
Dr Lindsey Cherry
Dr Cherry holds a wide portfolio of grant and publication history and has keen interest in supporting self-management, shared decision-making, and living well with LTCs.

Matthew Cichero
Chair of Conference, Royal College of Podiatry
Matthew Cichero
Mr Cichero is a Consultant Podiatric Surgeon from Great Western Hospital, Swindon, UK, dual qualified in podiatric surgery both in Australia and the UK. In parallel with expertise in elective foot and ankle surgery, he has developed expertise in diabetic and high-risk foot disease and all elements of limb preservation management in Singapore, Australia, UK and also rotations in the US.
He has published a number of peer reviewed articles and is a Principle Investigator in Swindon for the SOLARIO antibiotic trial.
He has held positions on the Queensland Podiatry Registration Board, Australia, before it merged into the national registration board, APRHA. Prior to moving to the United Kingdom to complete his surgical training, Matthew also undertook monthly clinics for remote indigenous Australian Communities in the Northern Territory.
Matthew was elected to the Council of the Royal College in 2019, stepping down in 2023, and is Chair of the Medicines and Medical Devices Committee.
If he wasn’t a podiatric surgeon, he’d probably be surfing long-boards around the world, and designing Alfa Romeo cars while sipping on macchiatos around Italy with his wife and his three daughters (but no boyfriends allowed).

Kerry Clark
Specialist Registrar, Podiatric Surgeon, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
Kerry Clark
Kerry graduated from University of Central England with BSc honours degree in Podiatry in 1996. She commenced surgical training in 2008 with Mr Paul Bewick at Cannock Chase Hospital and completed the MSc Theory of Podiatric Surgery in 2009. Following a career break for family commitments, she started a part-time honorary trainee post in 2013 with Mr Julian Pavier at Newark Hospital and was awarded her Surgical Fellowship in 2015. Kerry gained Independent Prescribing in 2016 and HCPC Podiatric Surgery Annotation in 2020.
Kerry has worked part-time as a Specialist Registrar for Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust 2015 and 2017-2019, Wye Valley NHS Trust Hereford 2016-2018 and Bridgnorth, Shropshire 2018-2019. She currently holds a Specialist Registrar post as a Podiatric Surgeon for University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (2019 to date) performing elective surgery and has particular interest in prophylactic and limb salvage/preservation surgery of the diabetic foot.
Kerry gained her Certificate of Completion of Podiatric Surgery Training (CCPST) in May 2023 working with Mr Henry Brown and Miss Helen Milnes. She has presented previously at the Royal College of Podiatry and Podiatric Surgery conferences and published peer-reviewed articles in international journals. Kerry is currently the Midlands Deanery registrar representative and a founding member of the Podiatric Surgery Research Strategy group aiming to develop and promote research within the profession.

Kerry Clarke
Lecturer in Podiatry, Ulster University
Kerry Clarke
Kerry Clarke has been a member of the Royal College of Podiatry for 32 years and is Lecturer for the School of Health Sciences, Ulster University. Kerry holds Fellowships of the Royal College of Podiatry in Podiatric Surgery and Podiatric Medicine, the Higher Education Academy and the Faculty of Podiatric Medicine, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow. Kerry has extensive multidisciplinary teaching experience at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.
Kerry was the first Allied Health Professional to achieve the status of both Supplementary and Independent Prescriber in Northern Ireland and was instrumental in the development of prescriber training for AHPs for the region. As a direct result of her knowledge and experience, in 2011 Kerry was invited by Northern Ireland’s Chief Nursing and AHP Lead Officers to assist in a review of Departmental Supplementary Prescribing Guidance.
Kerry continues to support the training and development of AHP Prescribing as Course Director for the Medicines Management framework for AHPs (POM certification, Independent and/or Supplementary Prescribing and Conversion programmes) at Ulster University and as co-opted member of the Medicines and Medical Devices Committee, Royal College of Podiatry

Monique Cleary
Final year BSc student, University of Southampton
Monique Cleary
Monique Cleary is a final year BSc student at the University of Southampton, and recipient of the first The College of Podiatry Trust grant.
She is currently working on a Podiatry Inclusive Image Collection (PIIC) and a toe pressure measure, with an interest in emergent leadership after participating in 2023 class of 150 Leaders, The Council of Deans’ healthcare student leadership programme and The Clinton Foundation’s Global Initiative University

Kevin Cole
Director, icpc Health
Kevin Cole
Kevin is a director of a multidisciplinary independent practice (icpc Health) in Kintore, Aberdeenshire. icpc Health is a seven-treatment room, two-gym health practice which employs podiatrists, physiotherapists, a dietitian, massage therapist, PT instructor and pilates and yoga instructors.
He has worked in the NHS in Scotland and England and in education as a clinical tutor at Caledonian University, lecturer at the Central Institute of Technology Wellington NZ, visiting specialist lecturer at the University of Western Sydney NSW and senior lecturer at Charles Sturt University NSW.
He entered full-time independent practice in 2005. He has a special interest in MSK medicine and has worked with the Scottish Institiute of Sport and Team GB treating elite athletes.
He is presently chair of the Grampian Branch of the RCPod.

Dr Emma Cowley
Senior Teaching Fellow, University of Southampton
Dr Emma Cowley
Her career journey and roles in the wider musculoskeletal community inspired her to facilitate others in their careers with delivery of the RCPod MSK Capability Framework and the new Podiatry Career Framework in 2023.
Emma brings expertise from education, research, product development, professional policy projects, leading communities of practice, and her years as a clinical podiatrist to inform her collaborative leadership style with optimisation of foot health care at the heart of her work.

Sarah Curran
Professor of Podiatric Medicine and Rehabilitation, School of Sport and Health Sciences, Cardiff Metropolitan University
Sarah Curran
She is the Chair of the Research, Development and Innovation and Chartered Scientist Committee for the Royal College of Podiatry and has held a number of editorships, published widely and presented at national and international conferences. She holds a number of awards and fellowships including a prestigious National Teaching Fellowship awarded in 2016.
Sarah has undertaken a number of pedagogic research projects, but has a particular interest in musculoskeletal pathologies of the lower limb. This includes collaborative projects that span across disciplines locally and worldwide involving topics ranging from patellofemoral pain and chronic ankle instability to the influence of limb dominance.

Luxmi Dhoonmoon
Nurse Consultant Tissue Viability, Central North Wext London NHS Trust
Luxmi Dhoonmoon
Luxmi Dhoonmoon is a Nurse Consultant Tissue Viability working for Central North West London (CNWL) NHS trust.
Luxmi completed her BSc (Tissue Viability Pathway) in 2010 and MSc Advanced Practice in 2013 at St Georges University of London and is currently enrolled on a PhD in Nursing studies with the University of Nottingham, year 3. She is also a Professional Nurse Advocate and Queen’s Nurse.
Passionate about wound care and with a passion for all types of wounds she was introduced to the Stop the Pressure campaign across CNWL NHS trust to reduce harm in our care homes and reduce our safeguarding concerns in regards to pressure ulceration. She also leads a team of Tissue Viability Nurses and Nursing Assistants to deliver a seamless service across the community both for ambulant and housebound patients and in care homes and mental health settings.
Luxmi won the Journal of Wound Care award for Best Clinical research in 2015 for making a difference in patients with chronic wounds while using topical oxygen therapy. She contributed to several case studies, best practice statements and research to enhance clinical evidence forming the future of practice.
Luxmi has published several clinical evaluations on patient care and improvement and recently authored an article in Independent Nurse on Long Covid and self-care. She recently co-authored a best practice document with Wounds UK to reflect assessment of dark skin tone in practice.
Luxmi's aim is to develop her clinical research further to improve public health and lower limb care in the community.

Stewart Duffy
Legal Director, Heathcare team, Weightmans Solicitors
Stewart Duffy
Stewart is a Legal Director in our Healthcare team. Dual-qualified in medicine and law, Stewart’s specialist work involves professional and systems regulation including data protection and judicial review.
Stewart advises professionals, public bodies and private sector organisations on a range of regulatory issues. His work encompasses professional disciplinary proceedings, regulatory compliance, primary care contractual disputes, governance and data protection advice.

Mike Edmonds
Consultant Physician, Kings College Hospital, London
Mike Edmonds
Professor Michael Edmonds is Consultant Physician at King’s College Hospital, London with special interest in the care of people with diabetes complications. He developed a new model of diabetic foot care, the multidisciplinary Diabetic Foot Clinic, in 1981, to provide early, aggressive treatment of the various factors that contribute to the rapid progression of diabetic foot problems. The clinic at King’s College Hospital brought about a 50% reduction in major amputations in people with diabetes. This underpinned the St Vincent declaration which, in 1989, set a target in Europe of reducing major amputations by 50% in people with diabetes.
His work has had three main aims: firstly, to develop the best possible care for the diabetic foot patient, secondly, to research into the causes of and devise new treatments for diabetic foot problems and thirdly, to teach health care professionals about the best care of the person with diabetic foot problems.
He was also Chairman of the Diabetic Foot Study Group (DFSG from 2001-2005), won the Karel Bakker award at the 6th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot in 2011, the DFSG Life Time Achievement Award in 2013 and Edward James Olmos Award for Amputation Prevention in 2014. He gave the Arnold Bloom Lecture to Diabetes UK in 2014.