Podiatry 2023: Speakers O - Z
We have a wide range of speakers for this year's conference drawn from within the profession as well as other healthcare professions.

Stephanie Owen
Podiatrist and owner, SO Podiatry
Stephanie Owen
She brings together people who are on similar journeys ensuring positive growth for all. She is passionate about always remembering that we work with people (who have feet).

Jon Packham
Consultant Rheumatologist
Jon Packham
Jon has been a Consultant Rheumatologist since 2002, with clinical specialist interests in psoriatic arthritis, axial spondyloarthritis and juvenile arthritis.
He is a clinical academic rheumatologist with an international reputation in interventional and epidemiological spondyloarthritis research, over £7 million research grants and 110 academic publications. He is an Associate Clinical Professor at University of Nottingham and Honorary Professor at Keele University.
Jon leads a £2.5 million NIHR programme grant, improving referral pathways for patients with potential axSpA, from primary care into specialist rheumatology.
He has advised NICE committees for spondyloarthropathy clinical guidelines/quality standards and numerous drug technology appraisals.
He is a founder member/trustee of BRIT-PACT and steering committee member of BRITSpA, both charitable organisations promoting education and research in psoriatic arthritis and axial spondyloarthritis.

Troy Parsons
Founder, The Hive
Troy Parsons
Troy is the world’s leading expert in the business of private practice and founded The HIVE 10 years ago to help practice owners by sharing the exact method he used to build a stable, profitable, and highly respected healthcare practice.
When Troy speaks, the industry listens.

Aimie Patience
Advanced Practice MSK Podiatrist
Dr Aimee Patience
Aimie completed her PhD at Glasgow Caledonian University looking at Achilles tendon pathology in psoriatic arthritis.

James Pickard
Podiatric Surgeon and Independent Prescriber
James Pickard
His CPD has included gaining an MSc from Salford University, and College awards, holding both Surgical and Podiatric Medicine Fellowships. He is an Independent Prescriber and holds Surgical Annotation with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). He has served on Council. In addition to his current work on the Medicines and Medical Devices Committee he has sat on the Faculty of Podiatric Surgery and the Academic and Clinical Governance Committee. He undertakes partner work for the HCPC.

Sue Pike
Council member, Royal College of Podiatry
Sue Pike
Sue has been a member of Council of the Royal College of Podiatry since June 2023 and chairs the Employment Support Committee at the Royal College. She has been a Staff Side rep with the College for over 20 years and has been involved in the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion workstreams along with working on policy development for Parkinson's Disease and other neurological conditions.
She has represented the College at the Trade Union Congress within the Midlands network. She works in both independent podiatry practice and within the NHS as a Freedom to Speak Up guardian where she works across two provider trusts and chairs the Midlands Regional guardians' network.

Emily Piper
Private practice apprentice, The Exeter Clinic
Emily Piper
Emily Piper is a recent podiatry graduate of University of Plymouth. Emily was one of the first people to complete her Podiatry MSc pre-registration through an apprenticeship in partnership with the Exeter Clinic, Devon. Before entering podiatry, Emily, originally from Devon, completed her BSc (Hons) in Sports and Exercise Sciences at the University of Birmingham whilst coaching the GB under-18s Dragon Boat Team, medalling at both European and World championships, following a successful career as a GB under-18 Dragon Boater herself for a total of six years.
Before university Emily qualified as a fitness instructor, utilising these skills to summit Mount Kilimanjaro, raising over £1000 for Mind, the mental health charity. Emily now enjoys a slower pace of life, white water kayaking and competing in triathlons.
Podiatry was not a new concept for Emily as several family members have been in the profession for over 30 years. Whilst the route of degree apprenticeship may be novel for some, as a result of Covid forcing Emily’s final year at Birmingham online, the transition was smoother than you might think.

Lesley Posmyk
Specialist Registrar in Podiatric Surgery
Lesley Posmyk
Lesley is currently working as a specialist registrar in podiatric surgery at North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust. She has delivered numerous guest lectures within the NHS and University of Huddersfield, and has a keen interest in research, particularly with a focus on pre-operative assessment and optimisation. Lesley is proud to be one of the founding members of the Podiatric Surgery Research Strategy group and also acts as the registrar representative for the Northern Deanery.

Jane Pritchard
Chief Executive and General Secretary, Royal College of Podiatry
Jane Pritchard
Additionally, Jane has been a non-Executive Board Member of Impact Hub Kings Cross CIC, part of a global support network for mission-based enterprise delivering positive social and environmental outcomes aligned to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Dr John Reed
Consultant Dermatologist, University of Oxford Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Dr John Reed
He trained in dermatology in London and Oxford. During his training he successfully completed a PhD in immunology at University College London resulting in several publications in leading scientific journals. Following on from his research, he has developed a specialist interest in urticaria, angioedema and understanding the impact and burden of chronic urticaria.
His research activities include trials supporting the development of new treatments for urticaria and angioedema and understanding the impact and burden of chronic urticaria.

Sarah Reel
Forensic Podiatrist and Senior Lecturer, University of Huddersfield
Sarah Reel
Sarah is also a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Faculty of Podiatric Medicine (Glasgow), a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a Fellow of the Royal College of Podiatry, an examiner for the Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians of London, and a Chartered Scientist (Royal College of Podiatry).
She holds a Certificate of Professional Competency in footprint evidence and is registered with the UK National Crime Agency Expert Advisers database.

Selina Reidy
Identification Expert (footwear), Yorkshire and the Humber Regional Scientific Support Services
Selina Reidy
In 2013, Selina qualified as a podiatrist and joined the Forensic Unit at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust until 2020. This opportunity enabled her to expand her scope of practice to incorporate footprint comparison (excluding ridge detail), feet-in-shoes comparison and forensic gait analysis.
Selina was a Lecturer Practitioner in Clinical Podiatry at the University of Huddersfield between 2016 and 2019 and currently teaches on their Forensic Podiatry MSc module. She has been an external examiner for the diploma in Forensic Human Identification, Academy of Forensic Medical Sciences and an external supervisor for undergraduate forensic podiatry projects at the University of Northampton. She is currently engaged in collaborative research with Staffordshire University investigating footwear recorded under both visible and infrared light.
Selina was part of the working group that developed the Code of Practice for Forensic Gait Analysis and she currently chairs the writing group for the Code of Practice for Forensic Podology. She has presented at national and international conferences and is a professional member of the Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences.

Alex Rosser
Consultant neurologist
Alex Rosser
Alex Rossor is a consultant neurologist at Guys and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust and the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery. He jointly runs an inherited peripheral neuropathy clinic with Professor Mary Reilly.

David Russell
Associate Professor and Honorary Consultant Vascular Surgeon
David Russell
David is an Associate Professor and Honorary Consultant Vascular Surgeon in Leeds, UK. He trained as a general and vascular surgeon in the Yorkshire region, UK and Adelaide, Australia. He was appointed to Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust as a consultant vascular surgeon with interest in diabetic foot disease in 2010 and has developed the local MDT clinic, community foot protection team and research capacity locally since this time.
David has research interests in assessment of ischaemia and decision making around revascularisation and amputation; wound healing; early detection of infection. He was appointed as Associate Professor at University of Leeds in 2020 after being awarded a prestigious NIHR Advanced Fellowship to investigate diagnosis of diabetic foot osteomyelitis through the DOMINO-DFU study. He is the Chief Investigator for the UK NIHR HTA funded MIDFUT and DFU-REFORM studies, Co-Investigator for the UK NIHR HTA funded CODIFI2 trial and chair of the Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland Diabetic Foot Research Specialist Interest Group. He is a member of both NICE and IWGDF guideline committees. In addition, David has a keen interest in teaching with both regional and national roles in vascular surgery training.

Michelle Scott
Chair of Council, the Royal College of Podiatry
Michelle Scott
After leaving Salford, Michelle spent several years working as a locum and took on several short-term contracts until she acquired a permanent post with Suffolk PCT; this was a split Chief III post involved with the delivery of health promotion and generic worker training around the county.
After six years Michelle transferred to the surgical unit, commenced an MSc, and became a clinical assistant and lead of the unit. She then moved to Mid Essex and secured trainee podiatric surgeon posts at St Georges and Braintree Hospitals.
After a relocation to Somerset, and being unable to secure a similar NHS post within the county, Michelle moved into private practice, an area of podiatry that was significantly different to her previous experience. Michelle says that the experience, knowledge and skills that she has gained as a private practitioner have moulded her into a forward-thinking and motivated individual with the drive and tenacity to continue pushing the boundaries of her professional practice.

Blake Sergeant
The Hive
Blake Sergeant
With 25 years of coaching experience behind him, Blake can cut through the fluff and identify exactly what course of action a practice owner must take to transform their practice.
Bring a pen and note down the actionable and specific advice that he teaches if you want the practice you always dreamed of.

James Shirley
Independent Financial Adviser
James Shirley
James says that in his former role he was restricted in the scope of the advice he could provide, which attracted him to the independent advice proposition of Chase de Vere that allows him to provide holistic advice across all financial planning areas.

Adam Smith
Council member of the Royal College of Podiatry and private practice owner
Adam Smith
The practice covers all aspects of podiatry, while attempting to push what we can do as a profession and creating a supportive environment for his team of seven podiatrists, including himself. Using modern equipment such a Class 4 Lasers, Shockwave, inhouse orthoses creation and gait analysis technologies, they aim to offer a world class service for all who attend, as well as supporting podiatry colleagues and students at any opportunity.

Pamela Smith
Vascular Specialist Podiatrist, Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust
Pamela Smith
Pamela is a Vascular Specialist Podiatrist and Non-Medical Prescriber working in a podiatry-led community lower limb vascular assessment service for Salford Royal Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Pamela’s role is to assess and diagnose peripheral arterial disease and then work with patients to develop an individual clinical management plan to manage their peripheral arterial disease and the associated increased cardiovascular risk factors. This includes starting patients on best medical therapy and supporting them to make lifestyle changes such as smoking cessation, weight management, optimising glycaemic control, exercise therapy and referring appropriate patients on for a surgical review. The service works closely with local vascular surgery teams.
In 2014 she and her colleague collaborated with the Salford Cardiac Rehabilitation Service to develop a structured exercise programme for patients with symptoms of intermittent claudication. Pamela and colleagues had a poster and shared learning examples published by NICE in 2016

Duncan Stang
National Diabetes Foot Coordinator for Scotland, NHS Lanarkshire
Duncan Stang
In his role as Diabetes Foot Coordinator for Scotland he formed the Scottish Diabetes Foot Action Group (SDFAG) with the remit of improving services and outcomes for individuals living with diabetes across Scotland.
His current secondment as Diabetes Foot Coordinator for Scotland is for two days per week since his retirement from clinical duties in May 2018.
In his national role he has developed and implemented various initiatives that have transformed diabetes foot services and care delivery across NHS Scotland.
These initiatives include the traffic light system to define diabetes foot service delivery depending on Risk Stratification which has been adopted by Diabetes UK and NHS England, and is recognised across Europe and beyond. Working alongside the Scottish Care Information Diabetes(SCI-D), Duncan has developed and implemented a world renowned foot screening tool on SCI-D which is enhanced by the addition of an online training module www.diabetesframe.org
Duncan has also worked closely with the SCI-D team on the introduction of an Ulcer Management System for individuals with active ulceration and most recently a Foot Surveillance and Management tool to proactively manage those individuals who are currently at High Risk or In Remission of Active Foot Disease.
Duncan initiated the work to develop the Podiatry competency framework for integrated diabetic foot care
which has recently been updated to the Capability framework for integrated diabetic lower limb care
for the use of all health care professionals/workers involved in lower limb care of individuals living with diabetes.
Duncan has also developed and introduced the national campaign CPR for Feet, which is supported by the Scottish Government, with the ultimate goal of eradicating iatrogenic ulceration/harm for all individuals in hospital and all other care settings.
Duncan serves as an Executive Committee Member (Scottish Representative) of the Foot in Diabetes UK (FDUK) and is an associate editor of the Diabetic Foot Journal.
In his spare time Duncan enjoys fishing, golfing and sailing in the summer, skiing in the winter and keeping fit all year round……… he has also been known to enjoy a ‘Glass of Red’ from time to time.

Emma Stoneman
Conference Chair Designate, Royal College of Podiatry Apprenticeship Group
Emma Stoneman
Emma qualified from Durham in 1998 and has worked in the NHS for nearly 25 years. She is currently the Professional Lead for Podiatry at East London Foundation Trust, Deputy Therapy Lead in Bedfordshire and Chair of East of England Podiatry Prescribing group.
Emma is also Chair of the Royal College of Podiatry Apprenticeship Group and has just finished a one-year secondment with the College supporting the HEE Workforce and Education Programme with Apprenticeships. Emma is an accredited coach and enjoys facilitating others with their personal growth.
Emma is currently the Conference Chair Designate and is looking forward to taking over from Matthew Cichero as Conference Chair for 2024.

Professor Mark Tagoe
Consultant Podiatric Surgeon, West Middlesex University Hospital
Mark Tagoe
Mark Tagoe was appointed as a Consultant Podiatric Surgeon at West Middlesex University Hospital in 1992. He leads one of the most progressive NHS Departments specialising in foot and ankle surgery. In recognition of his commitment and contribution to education, Mark was appointed Honorary Visiting Professor to the University of Southampton. He is an international lecturer on foot and ankle pathology and innovative surgery with over 30 publications in peer-reviewed journals and several book chapters.
Mark also holds an Honorary post as a Consultant Podiatric Surgeon at Manchester Royal Infirmary and is a Visiting Consultant Podiatric Surgeon for the Dubai Health Authority. At the Dubai Hospital he has helped establish the limb salvage surgery centre for the at-risk diabetic foot.
Past appointments include Vice Chairman of the Specialist Advisory Board (Podiatric Surgery) Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh, Dean of Faculty the Royal College of Podiatric Surgery, Regional Chair of the Southern Deanery, External Clinical Faculty Instructor to Kern Hospital USA podiatric surgical training programme, and Visiting Professor at the University of Ulster.

Kim Tolley
Interim Head of Professionalism and Upstream Regulation, Health and Care Professions Council
Kim Tolley
She has a passion for supporting international registrants as they join the UK workforce and worked with NHS England on their International GP recruitment programme.
Kim is currently seconded to the Health and Care Professions Council as a Professional Liaison Consultant to help develop their outreach service. She combines this with working part-time as a Registered Nurse at her local NHS trust and as part of the vaccination programme.

Dao Tunprasert
Principal Lecturer, University of Brighton
Dao Tunprasert
She has recently presented her work on a conceptual review of footwear needs at the International Foot and Ankle Biomechanics Conference in France in April 2023.
Dao is also a 2022 Fellow of the Council of Deans of Health.

Julie Van Onselen
Dermatology Lecturer Practitioner, Dermatology Education Partnership Ltd, Check4Cancer and National Eczema Society
Julie Van Onselen
She is a healthcare writer and publishes widely in healthcare journals; she is also a past editor of the British Dermatological Nursing Group (BDNG) Journal, Dermatological Nursing. Julie is a Primary Care Diabetes Society (PCDS) committee member and works on national dermatology projects. Julie is passionate about improving care for people with skin conditions through developing educational initiatives for both healthcare professionals and patients.

Donna Welch
Health Education England
Donna Welch
Donna Welch is the Podiatry Operations Manager and professional lead for City Health Care Partnership Community Interest Company (CHCP CIC) where she is responsible for the delivery of foot care services across Hull and East Riding of Yorkshire. Donna has recently completed a 11-month secondment with NHS England (Formerly HEE) as the National Education and Training lead for Podiatry, working in collaboration with multiple stakeholders including NHS managers, faculties, national and regional teams, universities and the Royal College of Podiatry to deep dive into the challenges facing the profession, highlight areas of good practice and identify the priorities for NHS England.
Donna began her career as a podiatry assistant for Scunthorpe Community Health Services in 1991, before joining the first cohort to study BSc Hons in podiatry part-time at Huddersfield University, graduating in 2007.
Donna has a passion for developing the wider workforce, particularly valuing support workers and apprentices. She continues to work clinically as an independent prescriber with a special interest in the diabetic foot and wound care, acting as a clinical mentor and supervisor. She has authored a number of Diabetic Foot E-learning Modules, wound care articles and the Flexitol Diabetic Foot Screening Toolkit.

James Welch
Advanced Specialist Podiatrist in MSK, CSH Surrey
James Welch
James graduated in 2001 from University College London (UCL) and The London Foot Hospital.
Since then he has worked in both the private sector and the NHS where he currently holds the post of Advanced Specialist Podiatrist in Musculoskeletal Biomechanics and Paediatrics. James has continued with further study and in 2018 completed his Masters degree in the Principles of Podiatric Surgery from the University of Brighton, with his dissertation focusing on the role of steroid injections for recalcitrant plantar fasciopathy.
James has lectured nationally and internationally for a number of years and is the current Vice Chair of the Children’s Podiatry Special Advisory Group, as well as one of the main contributors to the Paediatric Podiatry Clinical Framework. He has a special interest in hypermobility and hypermobility disorders, paediatric flat feet and paediatric heel pain (calcaneal apophysitis) which he recently published on. He is currently involved in two further research projects, as well as a position statement on the use of Extra Corporeal Shockwave Therapy.
As well as lecturing and studying, James is also one of the current Deputy Professional Editors for the Royal College of Podiatry's professional magazine, The Podiatrist.

Clare Westwood-Surridge
Team leader, Provider CIC, MId Essex
Clare Westwood-Surridge
Clare graduated from the University of Brighton in 2011 and later completed her MSc in Podiatry with Clinical Biomechanics 2015. She has worked for Provide CIC in Mid Essex since qualifying, where she is now one of the podiatry team leaders with a specialism in wound care.
Clare is the Student Co-ordinator for placements and believes in recruitment of students and supporting newly-qualified podiatrists within the NHS setting. She has led projects on technology in the support of newly-qualified podiatrists. Clare works within the MDFT in the acute setting and across the community. She completed her non-medical prescribing in 2021 and is passionate about the use of this to enhance patient outcomes. She is a governor for Provide and believes in being the voice for the members.

Amanda Wildgoose
NHS Podiatry Operational Lead, Apprentice Employer
Amanda Wildgoose
We currently have three podiatry apprentices, in their fourth, second and first years, and they are such a valuable asset to the team.
I would like to share with colleagues the challenges we have overcome along with the enormous benefits we have enjoyed in the recruitment and management of this relatively new way of staffing.

Zoe Wilson
MSK specialist podiatrist
Zoe Wilson
Since then, Zoe has built two successful private practices which have now been formed into one larger clinic, ZW Foot & Lower Limb Centre, Kirkby Lonsdale. An avid and keen professional Zoe launched her first course in February 2023, “An Introduction to Prescribing The Richie Brace”.
Zoe loves Podiatry and all that our profession has to offer the world! Zoe continually works towards delivering outstanding care to her patients and delivers a range of services including physiotherapy, podiatric surgery consultations, 3D Gait analysis, multidisciplinary consultations, diagnostic ultrasound, injection therapy, AFO therapy (Richie Brace) and CMFO (Custom made foot orthoses).
Zoe is actively involved in speaking on a national and international scale on specialist subject areas of Adult Acquired Flatfoot and Foot Drop.

David Wylie
Dean of Faculty, Faculty of Podiatric Medicine, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
David Wylie
David has been involved in podiatry and AHP leadership for over 25 years and is currently Dean of the Faculty of Podiatric Medicine within the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons (Glasgow). He has two post-graduate degrees, and his research into organisational culture and AHP leadership, together with publications describing large scale service and system redesign, provide national and international speaking opportunities.
David has been described as ‘forcefully optimistic’ and he now heads up DAWN HealthCare Consultancy, building on his track record of delivering whole system redesign and cultural transformation programmes to support radical improvements in service delivery, organisational performance and digital transformation.
A Leadership finalist at NHS Scotland’s 2016 Scottish Health Awards, David is a Glasgow Warriors season ticket holder and enjoys pub quizzes, single Islay malts and a fine red Rioja.