British Chiropody Journal 250

British Journal of Chiropody


British Journal of Chiropody 1933-1988

This monthly journal started life as the official organ of the British Association of Chiropodists.

Published by the Actinic Press, its first editor was Franklin Charlesworth, followed by Colin Dagnall who took over in September 1963.

British Journal of Podiatry

British Journal of Podiatry


British Journal of Podiatry 1998-2007

This was a quarterly journal published by the Sociality of Chiropodists and Podiatrists.

It incorporated the Journal of British Podiatric Medicine and British Journal of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery.

It’s aim was to publish academic material not considered appropriate for inclusion in Podiatry Now.

The Chiropodist

The Chiropodist


The Chiropodist 1914-1987

This monthly journal was the official publication of the Society of Chiropodists from its inception as the National Society in 1914.

It continued to be the official publication until 1997 when it then morphed into Podiatry Now.

Journal of British Podiatric Medicine

The Chiropodist and the Journal of British Podiatric Medicine


The Chiropodist and the Journal of British Podiatric Medicine 1988-1997

Chiropody Practitioner

Chiropody Practitioner


Chiropody Practitioner 1934-1945

This quarterly publication was the official organ of the National Institute of Chiropody.

It featured the strap line ‘The Journal of Chiropody Progress’ and aimed to represent chiropodial interests across all societies and institutions.

Its last edition was just before the foundation of The Society of Chiropodists in 1945.

Chiropody Record

Chiropody Record

1928-1929, 1933, 1939, 1942

Chiropody Record 1928-1929, 1933, 1939, 1942

This is an American publication with the strap line ‘A Periodical Record of Progress in the Profession of Chiropody’.

It was published by The Chiropody Record Publishing Co in Chicago.

Pedic Items

National Association of Chiropodists - Pedic Items

1927, 1928, 1929, 1933

National Association of Chiropodists - Pedic Items 1927, 1928, 1929, 1933

Published monthly, this American publication was the Journal Of The National Association Of Chiropodists and published in New York.

Podiatry Now

Podiatry Now


Podiatry Now 1998-2008

This journal from the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists took over from The Chiropodist as its the official publication.

It also incorporated the Society News Section of The Journal of British Podiatric Medicine, SeaRCH News and Instep.

It ran until 2020 when the journal became The Podiatrist.

Search Magazine

Search Magazine


Search Magazine 1990-1997

This magazine was free to all State Registered Chiropodists as well as students at recognised schools of chiropody.

It came courtesy of ACCO Publications, Northants.

The last issue in December 1997 signposted readers to the new Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists journal, Podiatry Now.