The Royal College of Podiatry's written evidence to the Health and Social Care Committee on Welsh Government's plan for transforming and modernising planned care and reducing waiting lists
The Royal College of Podiatry welcomes the Committee's inquiry into the Welsh Government's plan, but believes that there is a lack of detail in the plan for the long term.
While the plan anticipates a significant uncovering of late presentations as we emerge from the pandemic, there is insufficient explanation as to how the NHS will meet these needs
Podiatrists work across a variety of specialisms including diabetic foot ulceration, vascular disease, musculoskeletal management, diabetes care, falls prevention and dermatology.
Following the COVID-19 outbreak, podiatrists working across all these settings in Wales will be integral to the four groups of people requiring rehabilitation support as set out by the four nations paper on rehabilitation post COVID-19.
Podiatry also has a huge amount to offer within public health, including easing pain, increasing mobility, and improving physical and mental health.
The Royal College of Podiatry is working to ensure that the critical role which the podiatry profession has to play in this agenda is understood and implemented at all levels.
Download RCPod's full response here