COVID-19: Northern Ireland circuit breaker

Northern Ireland will have increased COVID-19 restrictions from 27 November but these do not affect healthcare provision.
Podiatrists working in Northern Ireland are advised that they can remain open. This includes home visits.
Podiatrists can access nursing homes for medical visits, with appropriate PPE and arrangements in place. Red and Amber patients, as indicated by the College's COVID-19 treatment grid, should be prioritised, but Green patients can also be seen.
Both podiatrists and patients can travel for medical appointments, which includes podiatry appointments.
Related content:
- College's COVID-19 treatment grid
- Pro forma letter to nursing homes which members can adapt for their own use, confirming that podiatrists may continue to provide medical treatments
- Scotand's strategic framework for COVID-19 and podiatric practice
- College update following Welsh Government announcement on circuit break
- COVID-19: England lockdown, November 2020