Luxmi Dhoonmoon
Nurse Consultant Tissue Viability, Central North Wext London NHS Trust
Luxmi Dhoonmoon
Luxmi Dhoonmoon is a Nurse Consultant Tissue Viability working for Central North West London (CNWL) NHS trust.
Luxmi completed her BSc (Tissue Viability Pathway) in 2010 and MSc Advanced Practice in 2013 at St Georges University of London and is currently enrolled on a PhD in Nursing studies with the University of Nottingham, year 3. She is also a Professional Nurse Advocate and Queen’s Nurse.
Passionate about wound care and with a passion for all types of wounds she was introduced to the Stop the Pressure campaign across CNWL NHS trust to reduce harm in our care homes and reduce our safeguarding concerns in regards to pressure ulceration. She also leads a team of Tissue Viability Nurses and Nursing Assistants to deliver a seamless service across the community both for ambulant and housebound patients and in care homes and mental health settings.
Luxmi won the Journal of Wound Care award for Best Clinical research in 2015 for making a difference in patients with chronic wounds while using topical oxygen therapy. She contributed to several case studies, best practice statements and research to enhance clinical evidence forming the future of practice.
Luxmi has published several clinical evaluations on patient care and improvement and recently authored an article in Independent Nurse on Long Covid and self-care. She recently co-authored a best practice document with Wounds UK to reflect assessment of dark skin tone in practice.
Luxmi's aim is to develop her clinical research further to improve public health and lower limb care in the community.