Support from RCPod

If you have stopped practising but are interested in returning, please see our Return to practice page or contact us for advice:

NHS Education for Scotland webinar

NHS Education Scotland is hosting a webinar on Allied Health Professions Return to Practice Scotland - information session, on Tuesday 20 February 2024 from 1.00-2.30pm.

The Return to Practice process enables people to re-register with the HCPC after a period of time away from their profession. There are many reasons why they may not have practiced such as caring/parental responsibilities, illness, travel or other career routes. We value the skills they have gained whilst they have been away and look forward to their return.

Who is invited? 

  • Anyone that is interested in returning to their profession now or in the future
  • Anyone that supports the Return to Practice process – which could include team leads, PELs, AHP leads, managers, recruitment, human resources, supervisors of returnees, previous returnees etc. 

What are the aims of the session? 

  1. Understand the process of re-registering with HCPC 
  2. Find out about the pathway to support this in Scotland 
  3. Hear from previous returnees and supervisors about their experiences 
  4. Help shape the recruitment campaign to encourage people to return to their profession 
  5. Ask any questions you may have

If you have any questions please contact:

Registration closes on 13 February 2024. Download further information here

Health Education England (HEE) resources

Further support is available via the HEE's Enquire now button

NHS website

Step to work e-learning - HEE/NHSE

This is a resource comprised of an eight-module learning programme, available via e-learning for healthcare, intending to support AHP's transition from education to employment in a health and social care setting, providing  the ‘new to role’ AHPs with guidance, support and practical tools to help them reflect on their experiences.

The eight modules cover:

  1. Positive appraisal of learning during challenging situations
  2. Personal wellbeing at work
  3. Everyday work
  4. Systems that shape everyday practice
  5. Ethics, accountability, and decision-making
  6. Developing and working in an inclusive environment
  7. Building positive relationships
  8. Sustaining change and learning