Submit an abstract

Do you have groundbreaking insights or cutting-edge research in podiatric surgery? We want to hear from you.

Call for submissions

Submit your abstract for a chance to present your findings in one of eight oral presentation slots.

This year's Conference chairs, Miss Jade Tang and Mr James Cowden, will be carefully reviewing each submission to select the most compelling and impactful presentations. 

Don't worry if you're not chosen for an oral presentation - every contributor will have the opportunity to showcase their work as a poster, ensuring that your research receives the recognition it deserves.

Submission guidelines

Submissions should be 150 words. It should include a title and a synopsis of your work. 

We welcome submissions from all members of the podiatric community. However, please keep in mind that this is a surgical conference, so your abstract should be relevant to podiatric surgery. 

How to submit

Please email your 150-word submision to Natasha Smith at by 24 May 2024. 

Your submission will then be forwarded on to the Conference chairs for their review.