AGM 2025: Call for member resolutions

Voting Members are invited to submit Resolutions to the Chief Executive by close of business on Thursday 13 March 2025
The Royal College of Podiatry invites Voting Members to submit Resolutions to be considered at the Annual General Meeting. The AGM will be on Saturday, 7 June 2025 online. Further details of the meeting will be circulated by the end of March/early April.
Resolutions should be sent to the Chief Executive at the Royal College by close of business on THURSDAY, 13 MARCH 2025 through this email address:
Resolutions must be supported by not less than five Voting Members in writing and may be accompanied by a supporting statement of not more than 500 (five hundred) words in length. Voting Members may seek guidance on this from the Assistant Company Secretary, Helena Basarab-Horwath, by phone at this number 020 7234 8635 and email to this email address:
Voting Members who are unable to participate in the Annual General Meeting are encouraged to make use of their Proxy Votes when the AGM documents are circulated. The Notice for the AGM and AGM documents will be made available to Voting Members not less than fourteen clear days before the Annual General Meeting.
Resolutions should be sent to the Chief Executive at the Royal College by close of business on THURSDAY, 13 MARCH 2025 through this email address:
Resolutions must be supported by not less than five Voting Members in writing and may be accompanied by a supporting statement of not more than 500 (five hundred) words in length. Voting Members may seek guidance on this from the Assistant Company Secretary, Helena Basarab-Horwath, by phone at this number 020 7234 8635 and email to this email address:
Voting Members who are unable to participate in the Annual General Meeting are encouraged to make use of their Proxy Votes when the AGM documents are circulated. The Notice for the AGM and AGM documents will be made available to Voting Members not less than fourteen clear days before the Annual General Meeting.