
AHP principles of practice-based learning: working together to develop our future workforce

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The Royal College of Podiatry has collaborated with nine other professional bodies to co-badge the set of seven principles of practice-based learning.

These seven principles can be used by everyone involved in practice-based learning: students, apprentices, university representatives, practice educators, service leads and many more.

We recognise that many of the challenges and opportunities of practice-based learning are common across many AHP professions. By working together with clear and consistent messaging, there is a collective opportunity to better shape and support the provision of practice-based learning for our future workforce. The seven principles are contextualised for the reader and interwoven with reflection and action activities to capture, benchmark and evidence the efficacy of practice with learners using a co-partnership model.

Professional body collaboration on the principles provides a common foundation for AHP practice learning and development to build upon. The principles will support practice educators in podiatry to deliver quality practice placements. Ensuring placement quality through these principles will enable a community of practice approach where the culture of learning is nurtured. These new principles will shape the learning environment by focussing on what matters to students.

Download the AHP prinicples of practice-based learning