The Ernest Runting Award for distinguished service
The Ernest Runting Award for distinguished service has been added to the 2021 Awards ceremony to honour podiatrists (or practice teams) who have taken a local, regional or national role during the COVID-19 crisis.
This unique award will be presented at our 2021 Awards ceremony, which was originally intended to be held in September 2020 but had to be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Members can read the criteria for the award, and find out how to make a nomination, by logging in and downloading the nominations pack.
Please complete the nomination form and return by email to, Executive Assistant to the CEO, by close of business on Monday 25 January 2021.
Please endeavour to submit your nomination well in advance of the deadline.
Our usual process for nominations will resume at the end of summer 2021 for the 2022 Awards ceremony.
Who was Ernest Runting?
Ernest Runting is regarded as one of the founders of the London Foot Hospital and the author of the classic chiropody text, Practical Chiropody, published in 1925. Find out more in our Archives pages.