DWP consultation seeks views about professionals who can sign fit notes

Members can have their say about whether the Department of Work and Pensions should extend the list of professionals who can sign fit notes
The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) has published Occupational Health: Working Better consultation. The consultation centres around occupational health provision. However, question 21 asks if other professions should be considered to issue fit notes.
“As part of the move to a more multidisciplinary workforce to deliver work and health conversations, should we consider further extension of the professionals who can sign fit notes?”
The Royal College of Podiatry issued a statement in June 2022 about the exclusion of podiatrists from the legislation.
We would urge members to complete the form, paying specific attention to question 21.
Whether you work in the NHS, in the independent sector, or academia, please complete the consultation. A change of legislation is more likely to happen if they receive many responses from our profession. The consultation is open until 12 October 2023.