Removal of age discrimination in NHS pension schemes (McCloud)

Update on changes to public service pensions
Scheme | 1995 | 2008 | 2015 |
Design | Defined benefit final salary (DB) Pension is determined using 'final pensionable pay' or best of last three years. |
Defined benefit final salary (DB) Pension is determined by using the best pensionable pay in three consecutive years in the last ten. |
Defined benefit career average (CARE)(DB) Pension is determined on each year of pensionable service. |
Normal pension age (the age that you can take benefits from the scheme without deduction) | 60 | 65 | Equal to the member's State Pension age |
Accrual rate (the rate that your pension builds up at each year) | 1/80th | 1/60th | 1/54th |
Is there in service revaluation? | No (not necessary) | No (not necessary) | Yes. CPI+1.25%. Each year of past service has to be uplifted so as to keep its value by the time that you retire |
Automatic lump sum |
Yes. 3x Pension. Can also take additional cash (commutation) at £12-1. £12 cash for each £1 of pension given up to HMRC limits. eg, if you take £1000 above your lump sum your annual pension would reduce by £83 |
No. Cash can be taken (commuted) in exchange for pension at £12-1 up to HMRC limits. |
No. Cash can be taken (commuted) in exchange for pension at £12-1 up to HMRC limits. |
Rises to pensions in payment from April next year |
CPI based on previous September level |
CPI based on previous September level |
CPI based on previous September level |