Royal College of Podiatry call for course approval visitors

Members needed to assist with both virtual and physical course approval visits
The Royal College of Podiatry Academic and Clinical Governance Committee (ACG) is calling for declarations of interest from members who would like to join its list of course approval visitors. Course approval visitors undertake RCPod course visits as part of its course approval process for new and existing pre-registration and post-registration programmes of education. The Committee welcomes all applications, but it would particularly like to hear from members who have experience of:
- Course provision or quality assurance/quality improvement
- Employment within the university sector
- More than two years of clinical experience
- Mentorship or training of colleagues.
The approval process has been adapted over the course of the pandemic. RCPod now utilises a hybrid model of virtual and physical visits with its programme providers. Visitors would be expected to work with staff at the RCPod to prepare and conduct approval visits with programme providers across the UK. Approval visits usually include:
- Reading and review of course documentation
- Meetings with students, staff and external placement providers to the universities
- Visits to university sites and inspection of facilities, and
- Composition of a final report to the ACG.
The RCPod will provide updated training. All visit travel and accommodation is funded, and a visitors fee is paid (all subject to completion of appropriate training and documentation).
For an informal conversation about the position or to declare your interest, please contact either James Coughtrey, Head of Education and Professional Development ( or Alison Hart, Education and Quality Officer (
Members can find out more about the ACG here.