Evidence for NHS Pay Review Body 2025/26

Call to NHS members to submit evidence for the 2025/26 pay review
Each year we call on our NHS members in all four nations of the UK to help us compile our evidence to the NHS Pay Review Body (PRB). PRBs are independent panels, and their primary role is to gather evidence and provide the government with advice each year on public sector pay.
The new government has committed to do all it can to ensure that in future members receive their pay rises on the due date of 1 April. As a result, we are calling on our NHS members, slightly earlier than usual, for help in providing evidence to the PRB via our online survey.
We would be grateful if NHS members in all four nations could take a few minutes to complete the survey so that our evidence can be as robust as possible and reflect the views of podiatrists across the UK
We have emailed all of our NHS members with the link to the survey.
The closing day is 15 November 2024 at 5.00pm.
Thank you for taking the time to submit your views. We will share the evidence as soon as we can.