Statement on call for a separate pay spine for nurses in the NHS
NHS pay
trade union

The NHS is one team and works together across over 300 professions
Over the weekend the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) released a video calling on their members to support a separate pay spine for nurses in the NHS in England on the basis that the current Agenda for Change (AfC) pay scales stifle career progression for their members.
The Royal College of Podiatry (RCPod) is clear that whilst the current AfC arrangements require reform, allowing the government to divide healthcare workers and introduce a perceived advantage to one healthcare union over the others, is an attempt to drive a wedge between healthcare professions. The NHS is one team and works together across over 300 professions.
Career progression is currently stifled for many professions in the NHS, not just nursing. As healthcare professionals we need to work together to ensure that all NHS staff have the opportunity for progressive careers. No one profession should be afforded greater advantage over the others.
Trade Union members across the NHS in England are being consulted on the recent offer from the government, which contains a commitment to discuss pay spines with all health trade unions. When these talks take place the RCPod will make a strong case for:
The Royal College of Podiatry (RCPod) is clear that whilst the current AfC arrangements require reform, allowing the government to divide healthcare workers and introduce a perceived advantage to one healthcare union over the others, is an attempt to drive a wedge between healthcare professions. The NHS is one team and works together across over 300 professions.
Career progression is currently stifled for many professions in the NHS, not just nursing. As healthcare professionals we need to work together to ensure that all NHS staff have the opportunity for progressive careers. No one profession should be afforded greater advantage over the others.
Trade Union members across the NHS in England are being consulted on the recent offer from the government, which contains a commitment to discuss pay spines with all health trade unions. When these talks take place the RCPod will make a strong case for:
- Equal pay for work of equal value
- The vital contribution of the whole NHS team, including support workforce
- The need for reform to AfC so that it delivers for ALL staff
- Why it’s important to recognise the critical role of job evaluation to underpin equal pay.