
The Royal College of Podiatry receives an updated pay offer of £2,205 for its NHS members in Scotland

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The Scottish Government has put forward the pay deal, and the College will now consider its response

The Royal College of Podiatry (RCPod) has received an updated pay offer of a flat rate increase of £2,205 from the Scottish Government for its NHS members working in Scotland.  

The RCPod will now follow its standard internal processes on receiving a formal pay offer before responding. This process will include consulting with NHS members in Scotland about the deal. 

Martin Furlong, Head of Employment Relations, said:  

“We were a part of the negotiations with the Scottish government for the 2022/2023 pay award, and we note the updated offer of a £2,205 pay uplift. We will now follow our standard internal processes before responding. This includes consulting with our members in Scotland about the offer. We will keep our NHS members in Scotland informed.” 

Further details of the single year pay offer 2022/23 can be found here