Withdrawal of extended face mask and face covering measures across health and care settings in Scotland

New guidance on the use of face coverings to come into effect on 16 May 2022
On Tuesday 9 May, the Scottish government released a statement announcing the planned withdrawal of the use of face masks in healthcare settings.
The new guidance will come into effect in Scotland on 16 May 2023, bringing the policy in line with that already in use in the rest of the UK.
The Scottish government advises that healthcare workers, including podiatrists, are advised to follow the infection prevention and control (IPC) guidance on the appropriate use of personal protective equipment (PPE) for standard infection control precautions and transmission based precautions as detailed in the National Infection Prevention and Control Manual (NIPCM) and the Care Home National Infection Prevention and Control Manual.
PPE, including face mask use, should be based on clinical need and risk assessment in line with the NIPCM and will still be required in certain scenarios. As per pre-COVID guidance, FFP masks remain the minimum recommendation for clinicians as per the nail drill guidance.
For those working in the NHS and other employed settings, please refer to your manager for updated workplace guidance. For those working in independent practice who are responsible for workplace policy and risk assessments, please review and update your policies. Public Health Scotland has guidance on how to carry out risk assessments.
A workplace may choose to retain mask use as a workplace policy so long as they do not discriminate. Should a patient choose to wear a mask, it is good practice to discuss any concerns that they may have and to respect their decision and to wear one yourself if the patient requests this, even if you do not consider there is a risk. Where a clinician has a medical exemption from mask use, this should be discussed with a patient in a sensitive and respectful manner.