NHS pay offer in England to be paid to members following Staff Council meeting

The NHS Staff Council voted to accept the government's NHS pay offer in England
Members working in the NHS in England may have seen press coverage of the recent NHS Staff Council meeting to consider the results of the different trade unions' consultations. We wanted to update our affected members and have issued the statement below.
The NHS trade unions met on Tuesday as part of the Staff Council. A majority of unions voted to accept the agreement.
The Royal College of Podiatry, together with Unite, the Society of Radiographers and the Royal College of Nursing, voted against acceptance in line with our recent member consultation.
In our consultation, 71.2% of responding members rejected the offer.
We believe that there is a workforce crisis in podiatry and pay is a crucial part of the solution to this problem. Additionally, our members in England are now lagging behind those in Scotland and Wales and this is unacceptable.
We will be writing to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care to request a meeting to discuss this and to demand the introduction of a recruitment and retention allowance for the profession of podiatry.
We want to thank those members who took part in the consultation and also those who have subsequently been in touch.
Further updates will be issued to members working in the NHS in England. We are encouraging the NHS to ensure that all staff receive the uplift and back payment as soon as possible.