
UK-wide public consultation on controlled drugs for podiatrists. Please respond

NHS England
controlled drugs
independent prescribers
Members are encouraged to complete the online survey in response to the NHS England consultation on the list of controlled drugs that podiatrists can independently prescribe.

NHS England is leading a UK-wide public consultation on proposals to enable podiatrist independent prescribers to prescribe four more controlled drugs for their patients:

  • tramadol hydrochloride schedule 3 oral administration
  • morphine sulfate schedule 2 and 5 oral administration
  • pregabalin schedule 3 oral administration
  • gabapentin schedule 3 oral administration

The two options are clear:

  • Option 1: no change
  • Option 2: addition of four controlled drugs to the existing list of controlled drugs that podiatrist independent prescribers can currently prescribe

A supportive result will allow independent prescriber podiatrists to offer patients rapid, reliable and seamless care, and make it more convenient and safer for them to get the medicines they need at the time and place they need them.

Please support your profession by responding to the consultation now – your response counts.

The consultation is now open and closes on 10 December 2020.

Download the consultation documents:
Chief Professions Officers’ medicines mechanisms programme: Podiatrist independent prescribers consultation documents

Complete the online survey.

December 2020: