
Welsh Policy Forum briefing: key health and social care priorities

The College of Podiatry is among over thirty organisations working across Wales who have signed the Welsh Policy Forum briefing ahead of next year’s Senedd election.

The briefing outlines what the key health and social care priorities should be for the next Welsh Government. This includes:

  • Increasing the workforce
  • Financing and enabling comprehensive rehabilitation services
  • Supporting the use of technology and
  • Making mental-health a cross cutting priority across Welsh Government, which in the COVID-19 context is now more important than ever.

Nesta Lloyd-Jones, Assistant Director of the Welsh NHS Confederation and Chair of the Policy Forum said: “The Senedd election in May comes at a unique time for the people of Wales and for health and social care organisations. We are calling on the next Welsh Government to continue to support the long-term vision of “one seamless system for Wales” by publishing an action plan that crosses all Government departments and works across all sectors. It is only through working together can we ensure a sustainable and viable health and care system that is fit for the future and meets the needs of the population.”


Welsh Policy Forum briefing: Delivering a sustainable, seamless health and social care system: Our priorities for the next Welsh government

Press release: Health and Social Care organisations unite to outline the key priorities for the next Welsh Government in 2021